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Motivaatio ei synny vahingossa

Moderni ja dynaaminen organisaatio tarvitsee työntekijöitä, itseohjautuvuus vahvan sisäisen motivaation ja hyvään työvireeseen.

Me kaikki tarvitsemme myös arjessa hyviä itsensä johtamisen taitoja, jotta voimme löytää arkeemme merkitysllisyyttä ja hyvinvointia.

Poikkeusolot ja etätyöskentely ovat entisestään korostaneet tarvetta kehittää itsensä johtamisen taitoja.

Coaching ja valmennus ovat keskeisiä työkaluja, kun vahvistetaan itsensä johtamisen taitoja.

Coaching develops thinking skills

Coaching builds professional and personal development in many ways. During a coaching process the Coachee's thoughts and actions become more constructive. Coaching is always based on the Coachee's own goals, strengths and values and it leans towards action. This is the recipe for transformation, whether big or small. 

In organizations coaching supports employees so that, for example, their sense of meaningfulness and courage, as well as their skills of stress management and creative problem solving enhance.

However, all of this is possible only when the organization has an employee centered culture where employees' opportunities to succeed are genuinely supported. This is why it is very important to build good leadership skills as well, for example through coaching.

My clients often want to work on professional and personal development goals to learn how to: 

  • build confidence and be lass self-judgemental

  • build empathic and coaching based leadership skills

  • strengthen inner motivation at work

  • move on from analysis paralysis and take action

  • navigate through an organizational change

  • find a better work-life balance

  • reduce the everyday stress levels


What we know matters
but who we are matters more.
- Brene Brown

Aloita coching

Start your coaching journey!



Sometimes one session is all it takes. There might be a time when you just need to brainstorm options  for a solution. Or you might need a bit help to develop a focused plan and goals. 

The topic for the session and the goal for the outcome are always agreed on beforehand so that the session will be as results-oriented as possible.

One session: 60 minutes

Price: 120 € (including VAT 24 %)



Do you feel that you don't have a clear direction in your life, or that you cannot find motivation and self-discipline for a transformation you want to achieve? Do you have a strong inner critic that is always displeased in whatever you do?

In this coaching journey we will build together a strong foundation that is based on your own values and strengths. When you build a strong foundation and good self-leadership skills, it becomes possible for you to reach your goals.

Sessions: every other week, 45 minutes

In total: 8 sessions (about 4 months)

Price: 759 € (including VAT 24 %)



You already know pretty well what you want but you are lacking courage, willpower, or a clear plan to finally take action.


In this coaching journey we will proceed towards your goals together, week by week. We will work diligently and with accountability, simultaneously challenging the limiting beliefs and other blockers that may become in the way.

Sessions: a weekly session, 30 minutes

In total: 12 sessions (about 3 kk)

Price: 759 € (including VAT 24 %)


A Professional Coach

Coach Sari Sironen.jpg

I have worked as a professional Coach since 2019. At the moment I work mainly through BetterUP which is a coaching organization, based in Silicon Valley in California. My coaching clients are employees and middle management in large international organizations especially in Europe but also in other parts of the World.


Here are some of my achievements as a Coach:

  • Trainined and certified by globally respected Co-active Coaching Training Instituten koulutus ja sertifiointi

  • Certified (PCC) by the International Coach Federation which is the Gold Standard in Coaching

  • Certified Canfield Trainer in the Success Principles

  • More than 500 coaching hours with more than 70 individual clients

  • Clients from more than 20 organizations and more than 15 nationalities

I am also a Service designer. Before becoming a Coach, I worked for several years as a Civil Servant for the Government of Finland. I worked with international organizations such as the UN in projects concerning environmental policy and sustainable development.



Peter, engineer, Denmark

"Thanks to coaching, I have a much better attitude towards out of the comfort zone situations. I feel that I spend less time overthinking stressful situations way ahead of time. I approach communication with other persons with a lot more open attitude. It is easier for me to share my ideas at work. I am less afraid of failing and I see failure in a more positive way.  Seeing failure as a positive thing also helps me enjoy the process of learning a lot more and not look for the finish line so often. I improved the way I plan and manage tasks and time at work."

Catharine, head of department, UK

"The process has been quite transformational, in a quiet, unassuming way. I have been able to discover and learn to draw on strengths that were already there but not apparent to me / easily accessible, making my life (both professional and personal) so much easier, less stressful."


Sari Sironen
Coach (ACC, CPCC)

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